Feb 23, 2021
I never thought I'd become a mystery reader but when my writing coach's assigned reading included cozy mysteries I got hooked. Now I am looking forward to participating in my first March Mystery Madness. Join me as I read and smash book my way through cozies, psychological thrillers, and classic mystery novels.
Feb 16, 2021
Join me for a peek into the pages I am creating in my Smash Book this week. Anything goes! Although there was a lot of book talk and a fixation on food from strawberry ice cream to murder cookies and macarons.
Feb 9, 2021
I'm using my Smash Book to build motivation and momentum to fuel my fresh starts, big projects, and serious goals. Come get creative with me and let's make our own magic!
Feb 2, 2021
You know my seasonal Smash Book is already bursting with random documentation of my every day... the music I listen to, the shows I binge watch, the books I can't put down. Join me for a discussion of the new pages I'm adding this month.